Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) Control
Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) loading and accumulation within various areas of a sewer and wastewater treatment sytem can create significant maintenance, operational and financial concerns.
Our FOG microbial blends and technologies are industrial grade and considered best in class due to the product formulation attributes and wide flexibility of operating conditions. We provide both dry powder and liquid blends offering wide application flexibility. In addition, the patented on-site microbial growth technology, the BioG can be applied for completely automated routine bioaugmentation at Municipal Grease Receiving Stations.
The US EPA has mandated that most, if not all, Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants and collection systems implement a Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) monitoring and management program.
This is part of the effort to limit the occurrence of Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) due to grease blockages and backups.
Much of the focus for these FOG management initiatives has been on the inspection and permitting of food service establishments (FSE’s).
FSE compliance, in many cases, includes routine, mandatory grease trap cleaning or pump-outs to remove any accumulated grease layer.
This effort may keep the FSE in compliance, but where do the commercial pumpers and haulers go with the grease wastes they collect?
Normal influent FOG loadings can cause operational problems for a POTW. Yet, in order to facilitate their customer’s compliance to FOG mitigation regulations, there seems to be a move toward more municipal WWTP’s accepting not just septage, but grease trap pumping as well.
Some plants, in order to minimize grease related operational issues, have constructed separate “grease receiving facilities” or stations.
The variety of grease receiving strategies is broad. The most effective type we have encountered includes a designated grease truck unloading station and separate grease treatment tank, equipped with mixing, aeration and pH control.
4G has very successfully applied microbes from the BioG to this type of system for over a decade.
The microbes act to “ precondition” the concentrated grease waste, reducing downstream pipe and pump fouling and accumulation on primary clarifier surfaces.
The microbial process does not completely digest the grease, it just alters the surface characteristics so as to make it much less of and operational and maintenance nightmare. This is an added benefit to plants who want to maintain and capture the BTU value of the grease for increased anaerobic digester gas production. The BioG technology is consistently powerful enough to tackle concentrated grease trap waste treatment.